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Chapter 2 Week 3

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2.2. Binary Trees Part 1

2.2.1. Binary Trees Part 1 Binary Trees

A binary tree is made up of a finite set of nodes that is either empty or consists of a node called the root together with two binary trees, called the left and right subtrees, which are disjoint from each other and from the root.

Notation: Node, children, edge, parent, ancestor, descendant, path, depth, height, level, leaf node, internal node, subtree. A Recursive Data Structure Binary Tree Node Class

interface BinNode { // Binary tree node ADT
  // Get and set the element value
  public Object value();
  public void setValue(Object v);

  // return the children
  public BinNode left();
  public BinNode right();

  // return TRUE if a leaf node, FALSE otherwise
  public boolean isLeaf();
} Question

  • Write a recursive function named count that, given the root to a binary tree, returns a count of the number of nodes in the tree. Function count should have the following prototype:

    int count(BinNode root) Traversals

  • Any process for visiting the nodes in some order is called a traversal.

  • Any traversal that lists every node in the tree exactly once is called an enumeration of the tree’s nodes.

  • Preorder traversal: Visit each node before visiting its children.

  • Postorder traversal: Visit each node after visiting its children.

  • Inorder traversal: Visit the left subtree, then the node, then the right subtree. Preorder Traversal (1)

static void preorder(BinNode rt) {
  if (rt == null) return; // Empty subtree - do nothing
  visit(rt);              // Process root node
  preorder(rt.left());    // Process all nodes in left
  preorder(rt.right());   // Process all nodes in right
} Preorder Traversal (2)


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// This is a bad idea
static void preorder2(BinNode rt) {
  if (rt.left() != null) preorder2(rt.left());
  if (rt.right() != null) preorder2(rt.right());
This has a major bug
It puts the focus in the wrong place: Should focus on the current node, not the children. This version is therefore more complicated. Recursion Examples

static int count(BinNode rt) {
  if (rt == null) return 0;  // Nothing to count
  return 1 + count(rt.left()) + count(rt.right());

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