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OpenDSA Stand-alone Modules

Chapter 0 modules

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1. Language Hierarchy

This is a picture of what we will do most of the semester. By the end you will know how everything in this picture applies to how compilers work, and to how hard a problem is to solve.

You are familiar with programming languages, now we’ll look in finer detail how programming languages are defined, with grammars, and automata (which are simpler versions of computers then your laptop). "Automata" is just another word for "machine".

We start in the very center. We’ll be examining simpler languages and grammars and then building up to how programming languages are formed. We start with finite automata (also called finite state machines). We will see an automaton represents a simple language, and that a type of grammar (regular grammar) can represent the same language. Also we will look at regular expressions. Remember these represent languages that can be represented by a program with no extra memory.

Then we will add memory and look at a machine (PDA) that can represent a larger set of languages and their corresponding grammars.

Then we will add more memory and capabilities and look at another machine (Turing machine) and the type of languages that it can represent and its corresponding grammar.

Then we will look at languages you cannot write a program to solve.

2. Power of Machines

(Note: We will be going over all of this information in detail during the semester. But this view can help you put it all together.)

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lll} \mathrm{Machine}& \mathrm{Can\ do}& \mathrm{Can't\ do}\\ \hline \mathrm{Finite\ Automata}& \mathrm{recognize\ integers}& \mathrm{recognize\ arithmetic\ expr}\\ \mathrm{(no\ memory)}\\ \hline \mathrm{Push-Down\ Automata}& \mathrm{recognize\ arithmetic\ expr}& \mathrm{compute\ expression}\\ \mathrm{(stack)}\\ \hline \mathrm{Turing\ Machine}& \mathrm{compute\ expression}& \mathrm{decide\ if\ halts}\\ \mathrm{(unlimited)} \end{array}\end{split}\]

FA - can recognize integers, real numbers, but can’t recognize a valid arithmetic expression.

PDA - can recognize a valid arithmetic expression, but can’t compute it and give you the answer.

TM - can compute expressions, but can’t write a program that takes any Java program and tells you whether the program will halt or not.

3. Application: Compilers

  • Our focus - Question: Given a program in some language (say Java or C++) - is it valid? That is, is it a syntactically correct program?

    If it is correct, go ahead and generate executable code, if not don’t!

    Is the C++ compiler friendly? Are the messages helpful? How does it figure out what the errors are? What line is the error on?

  • Question: language L, program P - is P valid?

    You might go work for a company and design a new language, maybe this language will be to program a robot.

  • Other things to consider, how is the compilation process different for different programming languages? (Java vs C++?)

    Note that technically some languages such as C++ are compiled to assembly language and machine language, whereas others such as Java is converted to byte code for a virtual machine and then interpreted. We will talk more about this later in the semester, but note that this course is more about getting to the point where you can then either interpret or convert to assembly language but we do not focus on converting to assembly language. That is a topic for a compilers course.

3.1. Stages of a Compiler

In this class we will be learning how this process works, everything but the last step.

Figure 3: Stages of a compiler

PART 1: The first part is your programming project part 1 (identifying the tokens in a program). Our unit on regular languages gives the foundation for this.

Lexical analysis (focus is on regular languages) identifies piece of the program

token: integer, keyword, variable name, symbol such as +

PART 2: This is the second part of your program. You will identify if the tokens fit together in the correct way so the program is syntactically valid.

This is called Syntax analysis. We will be learning the theory for this in our unit on context free languages. This will also involve studying several parsing algorithms.

PART 3. Creating the parse tree. This is the third part of the programming assignment. NOTE: You’ll write an interpretor, it walks through the parse tree and immediately executes the code. (Does not generate the code)

   «  0.261. Formal Languages   ::   Contents   ::   0.263. Major Concepts  »

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