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Masters of Engineering Bridge Course

Chapter 10 Queues and Generics

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10.2. Queues

10.2.1. Objectives

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • Name the function and purpose of basic Java data structures

  • State key characteristics of Bags in Java

  • Build and populate Bags in Java Suggested Reading

Chapter 10: Queues, Deques, and Priority Queues and Chapter 11: Queue, Deque, and Priority Queue Implementations from Data Structures and Abstractions with Java by Frank M. Carrano and Timothy Henry

10.2.2. Queues [8:50] Queue Intro Video

Video Slides
package queue;

   An interface for the ADT queue.
   @author Frank M. Carrano
   @author Timothy M. Henry
   @version 4.0
public interface QueueInterface
  /** Adds a new entry to the back of this queue.
      @param newEntry  An object to be added. */
  public void enqueue(T newEntry);

  /** Removes and returns the entry at the front of this queue.
      @return  The object at the front of the queue.
      @throws  EmptyQueueException if the queue is empty before the operation. */
  public T dequeue();

  /**  Retrieves the entry at the front of this queue.
      @return  The object at the front of the queue.
      @throws  EmptyQueueException if the queue is empty. */
  public T getFront();

  /** Detects whether this queue is empty.
      @return  True if the queue is empty, or false otherwise. */
  public boolean isEmpty();

  /** Removes all entries from this queue. */
  public void clear();
} // end QueueInterface

10.2.3. Checkpoint 1

10.2.4. Programming Practice: Queues 1

10.2.5. Linked Queues Intro and Enqueue [11:29] Linked Queue Video

Video Slides

10.2.6. Checkpoint 2

10.2.7. Linked Queues Removing and More (Dequeue and Other Methods) [8:41] Linked Queue Remove Video

Video Slides

10.2.8. Checkpoint 3

10.2.9. Deques [13:51] Deque Intro Video

Video Slides

10.2.10. Checkpoint 4 Deque Interface

package deque;

 * An interface for the ADT deque.
 * @author Frank M. Carrano
 * @author Timothy M. Henry
 * @version 4.0
 * @param  generic type for the deque
public interface DequeInterface
     * Adds a new entry to the front of this dequeue.
     * @param newEntry
     *            An object to be added.
    public void addToFront(T newEntry);

     * Adds a new entry to the back of this dequeue.
     * @param newEntry
     *            An object to be added.
    public void addToBack(T newEntry);

     * Removes and returns the front entry of this dequeue.
     * @return The object at the front of the dequeue.
     * @throws EmptyDequeException
     *             if the dequeue is empty before the operation.
    public T removeFront();

     * Removes and returns the back entry of this dequeue.
     * @return The object at the back of the dequeue.
     * @throws EmptyDequeException
     *             if the dequeue is empty before the operation.
    public T removeBack();

     * Retrieves the front entry of this dequeue.
     * @return The object at the front of the dequeue.
     * @throws EmptyDequeException
     *             if the dequeue is empty before the operation.
    public T getFront();

     * Retrieves the back entry of this dequeue.
     * @return The object at the back of the dequeue.
     * @throws EmptyDequeException
     *             if the dequeue is empty before the operation.
    public T getBack();

     * Detects whether this dequeue is empty.
     * @return True if the queue is empty, or false otherwise.
    public boolean isEmpty();

     * Removes all entries from this dequeue.
    public void clear();
} // end DequeInterface

10.2.11. Deque Removing and Wrap Up [9:02] Deque Removing and Wrap Up Video Demonstration

Video Slides

10.2.12. Checkpoint 5

10.2.13. Array Implementation of Queues [15:58] ArrayQueue Intro Video

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10.2.14. Checkpoint 6

10.2.15. ArrayQueue One Unused Location [7:11] ArrayQueue One Unused Location Video

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10.2.16. Checkpoint 7

10.2.17. ArrayQueue Ensure Capacity [14:06] ArrayQueue Ensure Capacity Video

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10.2.18. Checkpoint 8

10.2.19. ArrayQueue WrapUp [6:59] ArrayQueue WrapUp Video

Video Slides Empty Queue Exception

package queue;

* A class of runtime exceptions thrown by methods to indicate that a queue is
* empty.
* @author Frank M. Carrano
* @author Timothy M. Henry
* @version 4.0

public class EmptyQueueException extends RuntimeException {
     * serial Version UID
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 960025440830878197L;

    public EmptyQueueException() {
    } // end default constructor

    public EmptyQueueException(String message) {
    } // end constructor
} // end EmptyQueueException

10.2.20. Programming Practice: Queues 2

   «  10.1. Generics 2   ::   Contents   ::   10.3. Unit 10 Lab 1 Placeholder  »

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