8.1. Linked Chains (Pointers)¶
8.1.1. Objectives¶
Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:
Understand the characteristics and use of a Linked Chain of Nodes
Implement a Linked Chain and associated methods
Iterate though a Linked Chain
Trace the execution of Linked Chain methods
Compare Array-based and Linked Chain implementation
Practice linked chain manipulation
8.1.2. [10:51] Intro to Linked Chains of Nodes¶
8.1.3. Checkpoint 1¶
8.1.4. [11:31] Demo in Visualizer Video¶
Try It Yourself
Download LinkedChain.java (right-click to download as .java file), and open it in Eclipse.
Refer to 01.02: Lab: LightBot for Beginners if you need to review the instructions for downloading Eclipse projects.