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Masters of Engineering Bridge Course

Chapter 8 Linked Lists, Bags, Stacks, and Efficiency

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8.2. Introduction to Linked Bags

8.2.1. Objectives

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • Name the function and purpose of basic Java data structures

  • State key characteristics of Bags in Java

  • Build and populate Bags in Java

8.2.2. Linked Bags Suggested Reading:

Suggested Reading: Chapter 3: Bag Implementation That Links Data from Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 4th edition by Frank M. Carrano and Timothy Henry

8.2.3. Introduction to Linked Bags [4:10] Introduction to Linked Bags

Video Slides 8.2.3-LinkedBagIntro.pdf

8.2.4. LinkedBag add and toArray video [12:45] LinkedBag add and toArray Video Demonstration

Video Slides

8.2.5. Checkpoint 1

8.2.6. Demo Video ExLinkedBagJunit [7:14] ExLinkedBagJunit Video Demonstration Code examples

Try It Yourself

In Eclipse, use the Project > Download Assignment… menu command to download the lab project named “ex8.5.2.2-LinkedBagsWithJUnit”

Refer to 01.02: Lab: LightBot for Beginners if you need to review the instructions for downloading Eclipse projects.

8.2.7. LinkedBag getFrequencyOf and contains video [14:00] LinkedBag getFrequencyOf and contains Video Demonstration

Video Slides

8.2.8. Checkpoint 2

8.2.9. LinkedBag Removing an item [13:44] LinkedBag Removing an Item Video Demonstration

Video Slides

Tradeoffs of using a linked chain implementation for a bag

Pros and Cons of Linked Bags



Bag can grow in size easily

Requires more space than a same-sized array

Adding an entry to the bag is fast

Removing a specified entry requires time to locate the entry

8.2.10. Checkpoint 3

8.2.11. Wrapping up Bags

As you’ve seen, Bags are a simple but foundational data structure in Java. We will continue with other data structures and their unique characteristics, including opportunities to practice building them, in later modules.

Recall that the objectives for this module were to:

  • Name the function and purpose of basic Java data structures

  • State key characteristics of Bags in Java

  • Build and populate Bags in Java

By this point, you should have achieved each of these objectives. If you have questions or concerns about your ability to accomplish each of these, please reach out to the instructor of the course.

8.2.12. Programming Practice: LinkedBags

   «  8.1. Linked Chains (Pointers)   ::   Contents   ::   8.3. Unit 8 Program 1 Placeholder  »

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