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1.4. Grammar Exercises

1.4.1. Grammar Exercises

Note: For these exercises, non-terminals are assumed to be single capital letters, and the start symbol is whatever non-terminal (a single capital letter) is on the left side of the first rule. There can be only one production per rule, so you may not have a rule like \(S \rightarrow a | b\). Instead, you need to use a separate row for each production, like \(S \rightarrow a\) and \(S \rightarrow b\). If you want a production to go to \(\lambda\), then click in the box, leave it empty, and click outside the box.

Occasionally, it can take the autograder a little while to run for an exercise, so give it some time (up to a minute) if it seems like there is no response.

   «  1.3. Introduction to Formal Languages   ::   Contents   ::   2.1. Set Notation  »

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