An easy proof by induction
shows that this summation has the well-known closed form
But while induction is a good technique for proving that a proposed
closed-form expression is correct,
how do we find a candidate closed-form expression to test in the first
Let us try to think through this problem from first principles,
as though we had never seen it before.
A good place to begin analyzing a summation it is to give an
estimate of its value for a given \(n\).
Observe that the biggest term for this summation is \(n\),
and there are \(n\) terms being summed up.
So the total must be less than \(n^2\).
Actually, most terms are much less than \(n\),
and the sizes of the terms grow linearly.
If we were to draw a picture with bars for the size of the terms,
their heights would form a line, and we could enclose them in a box
\(n\) units wide and \(n\) units high.
It is easy to see from this that a closer estimate for the summation
is about \((n^2)/2\).
Having this estimate in hand helps us when trying to determine an
exact closed-form solution, because we will hopefully recognize if our
proposed solution is badly wrong.
Let us now consider some ways that we might hit upon an exact equation
for the closed form solution to this summation.
One particularly clever approach that we can take is to
observe that we can “pair up” the first and last terms,
the second and (\(n-1\))th terms, and so on.
Each pair sums to \(n+1\).
The number of pairs is \(n/2\).
Thus, the solution is \(n(n+1)/2\).
This is pretty, and there is no doubt about it being correct.
The problem is that it is not a useful technique for solving many
other summations.
Now let us try to come up with something a bit more general.
We already recognized that, because the largest term is \(n\) and
there are \(n\) terms, the summation is less than \(n^2\).
If we are lucky, the closed form solution is a polynomial.
Using that as a working assumption,
we can invoke a technique called guess-and-test.
We will guess that the closed-form solution for this summation is a
That means that we are guessing that it is of the form
\(c_1 n^2 + c_2 n + c_3\) for some constants
\(c_1\), \(c_2\), and \(c_3\).
If this is true, then we can plug in the answers to small cases of the
summation to solve for the coefficients.
For this example, substituting 0, 1, and 2 for \(n\) leads to
three simultaneous equations.
Because the summation when \(n=0\) is just 0, \(c_3\) must
be 0.
For \(n=1\) and \(n=2\) we get the two equations
which in turn yield \(c_1 = 1/2\) and \(c_2 = 1/2\).
Thus, if the closed-form solution for the summation is a polynomial,
then it can only be
\[1/2 n^2 + 1/2 n + 0\]
which is more commonly written
At this point, we still must do the “test” part of the
guess-and-test approach.
We can use an induction proof to verify whether our
candidate closed-form solution is correct.
In this case it is indeed correct, as shown by
Example 2.2.3.
The induction proof is necessary because our initial assumption that
the solution is a simple polynomial could be wrong.
For example, it might have been that the true solution
includes a logarithmic term, such as
\(c_1n^2 + c_2 n \log n\).
The process shown here is essentially fitting a curve to a fixed
number of points.
Because there is always an \(n\)-degree polynomial that fits
\(n+1\) points, we have not done enough work to be sure that we to
know the true equation without the induction proof.
Guess-and-test is useful whenever the solution is a polynomial
In particular, similar reasoning can be used to solve for
\(\sum_{i=1}^n i^2\), or more generally \(\sum_{i=1}^n i^c\)
for \(c\) any positive integer.
Why is this not a universal approach to solving summations?
Because many summations do not have a polynomial as their closed
form solution.
A more general approach is based on the
subtract-and-guess or divide-and-guess strategies.
One form of subtract-and-guess is known as the
shifting method.
The shifting method subtracts the summation from a variation on the
The variation selected for the subtraction should be one that makes
most of the terms cancel out.
To solve sum \(f\), we pick a known function \(g\) and find a
pattern in terms of \(f(n) - g(n)\) or \(f(n)/g(n)\).