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Type Inference

1. Type Environments

A type environment is an environment associating expressions with data types (instead of with values, as did the environments we have used in our interpreters so far).

For example, fill in the following question marks for a type environment tenv assuming your language is Java:

[ [true, ???],  [1, ???], [3.4, ???] ]

2. Typing Rules Expressed as Post Systems

Typing rules are specified relative to a type environment by a conditional specification known as a Post system. The “givens” in this conditional specification are specified above a dashed line. The conclusion(s) that can be drawn from the “givens” are specified below the dashed line.

For example, here is a possible typing rule in type environment tenv:

type-of E1 is bool
type-of E2 is T                             {Note: T stands for any type}
type-of E3 is T
type-of (if E1 then E2 else E3) is T

Does this rule accurately describe JavaScript’s type system? Java’s type system?

3. Typing in a Scaled-down ML

Since we’re going to discuss typing issues, particularly parametric polymorphism and type inferencing, in the context of the programming language ML, let’s begin by rigorously providing the syntax for a very small subset of ML. For the moment, think of it as a statically typed lambda calculus with ints, reals, bools, and conditionals.

<type> ::= <type-variable>
           | int
           | bool
           | real
           | <type> -> <type>                      {Example: int -> bool is the type of a predicate}

<expr> ::= <identifier>
           | fn <identifier> => <expr>
           | <expr> <expr>                         {Note: function applications don't have to be parenthesized}
           | if <expr> then <expr> else <expr>

4. Using Post System Rules to Describe Type Inferencing in ML

We’ve already provided a Post system that describes the type of an if-then-else expression. We now need Post system rules for function definitions and function applications.

In type environment tenv:

type-of <identifier> is T1                           {Note: T1 and T2 stand for any types}
type-of <expr> is T2
type-of (fn <identifier> => <expr>) is T1 -> T2

In type environment tenv:

type-of <expr1> is T1 -> T2
type-of <expr2> is T1
type-of <expr1> <expr2> is ???                       {What should ??? be?}

Another example of a Post system rule for mini-ML is, for a given type environment:

type-of x is bool
type-of y is int
type-of (fn x => fn y => if x then 1 else y) is ???  {What should ??? be?}

Below are examples of how the ML type-inferencing engine responds to some function definitions. In each example, the first line is a function definition typed in by the programmer; and the second line is ML’s output of the type it inferred for the given definition.

Now put yourself in the place of the ML type-inferencing engine and try to determine why ML responds in the way it does using the previously defined Post system rules.

val g = fn x => fn y => if x then 1 else y;
  fn : bool -> int -> int
val add1 = fn x => x + 1;
  fn : int -> int
val add1r = fn x => x + 1.0;
  fn : real -> real
val double = fn x => x + x;
  fn : int -> int
val doubler = fn (x:real) => x + x;
  fn : real -> real

5. Parametric Polymorphism in ML

To understand what parametric polymorphism is, consider the difference between the following two identity functions id1 and id2 in Java.

public static int id1( int a ) {
    return a;

public static < E > E id2( E a ) {
    return a;



Which one of the methods above exhibits parametric polymorphism?

Let’s now turn our attention to how parametric polymorphism is handled in ML.

ML uses a static, safe type-inferencing interpreter with parametric polymorphism. Make sure you understand the meaning of each stated feature of ML’s type system before continuing.

ML’s type-inferencing algorithm will always re-construct the least restrictive type possible for a variable or parameter. That’s why it has type variables, such as ‘a and ‘b. ML type variables, that is, variables that stand for types instead of values, always start with an apostrophe.

For example, a variable whose type is inferred to be ‘a list is a list whose elements all have the same type, but this type can be any type. So the type variable ‘a could stand for the type int, or the type bool, or even the type int list, in which cases the ‘a list is an int list (containing only integers), or a bool list (containing only Boolean values), or even an int list list (containing only int lists), respectively. Instances of these three types of lists are shown below.

Let’s first get our heads around ML lists:

[true, false, true]                                  {ML will infer this is a bool list}
[true, false, true, false]                           {ML will infer this is a bool list}
[1,2,3,4,5]                                          {ML will infer this is an int list}
["foo", "bar", "baz"]                                {ML will infer this is a string list}
[17, "foo"]                                          {ML will infer this is ILLEGAL}
[ [1,2,3], [4,6], [0,233] ]                          {ML will infer this is an int list list}
[ [1,2,3], [4,6], [0,233], [ [1], [2,3] ] ]          {ML will infer this is ILLEGAL}

Make sure you understand why the last list above is illegal.

The hd and tl functions in ML are just like their counterparts in the fp module we used. However, to cons onto a list, you must use the :: operator (or cons operator). For example, 1::[2,3] yields the list [1,2,3].

Now for the parametric polymorphic punchline. Consider how ML reasons about the following functions involving lists.

val rec sumlist = fn lst => if lst = nil                          {Note: nil is the same as the empty list []}
                    then 0
                    else (hd lst) + (sumlist (tl lst));

ML's response: sumlist = fn : int list -> int

val rec lengthlist = fn lst => if lst = nil
                    then 0
                    else 1 + (lengthlist (tl lst));

ML's response: lengthlist = fn : ''a list -> int

Again, ‘a (you can ignore the second preceding apostrophe here) is a type variable indicating that lengthlist will accept a list of any type, in contrast to sumlist, which will only work on a list of integers. Can you figure out why this is the case?

6. Type inferencing in ML

All ML functions are functions of one argument. When we want to have the equivalent of a function with multiple arguments in ML, there are two strategies. The first is to use Currying as we have previously described. The second is to use a single argument that is an ML tuple. Here are examples of tuples in ML:

(17, "foo")                     int * string
(12.5, 13.5, 9)                 real * real * int
(true, false, true)             bool * bool * bool

Hence the following function with one tuple argument acts like a function of three arguments.

val add3 = fn (x,y,z) => x + y + z;

And ML’s type inferencer will tell us the following about the type of add3:

add3 = fn : int * int * int -> int

In contrast:

val add3curried = fn x => fn y => fn z => x + y + z;

is a curried version of the same function whose type signature ML infers to be:

add3curried = fn : int -> int -> int -> int

Consider one more type inference example:

val rec map = fn (f,lst) => if lst = nil
                        then []
                        else (f (hd lst))::(map (f, (tl lst)));

What does ML infer about this function? What does the keyword rec mean?

7. Type Inferencing Problem 1

Six numbered ML expressions are listed below. Each one of them is a function definition that has been typed into ML.


1  val x = fn (f, g, h) => if g < h then f else if g <= f then h else 5.5;
2  val x = fn f => fn g => fn h => if g < h then f else if g <= f then h else 5.5;
3  val x = fn f => fn g => fn h => if f g then f else if g > 4.5 then h else f;
4  val x = fn (f, g, h) => if f g then f else if g > 4.5 then h else f;
5  val x = fn (f, g, h) => if g f then f h else (h + 3);
6  val x = fn f => fn g => fn h => if g f then f h else (h + 3);

Six type-inferencing responses that ML provided when the six expressions above were entered are listed below. Unfortunately, they have become scrambled. In the six practice problems that follow, you will help match each type-inferencing response with the correct ML expression above.


1  fn : (real -> bool) -> real -> (real -> bool) -> real -> bool
2  fn : (int -> int) * ((int -> int) -> bool) * int -> int
3  fn : (real -> bool) * real * (real -> bool) -> real -> bool
4  fn : real * real * real -> real
5  fn : (int -> int) -> ((int -> int) -> bool) -> int -> int
6  fn : real -> real -> real -> real

The six function definitions and six type-inferencing responses listed above are referenced in each one of the following six practice problems.

8. Type Inferencing Problem 2

9. Type Inferencing Problem 3

10. Type Inferencing Problem 4

11. Type Inferencing Problem 5

12. Type Inferencing Problem 6

   «  0.258. Types in Programming Languages   ::   Contents   ::   0.260. GLOSSARY  »

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