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Types in Programming Languages

1. Motivating Examples

Consider the following code fragments in three different programming languages.

JavaScript code fragment

var g = function (x, y) {
        return (x ? 1 : y + 13);
var add = function (x, y) {
    return x + y;
var divide = function (x, y) {
    return x / y;
console.log (g( (2 < 1), 6));
console.log (g( (2 < 1), "Hello"));
console.log (g( (2 < 1), [3,2,1]));
console.log (g( (2 < 1), [3,[2,1]]));
console.log (add(6,4));
console.log (add(6,"Green Bay Packers"));
console.log (add("Aaron", "Rodgers"));
console.log (divide(6,4));
console.log (divide(6,"Green Bay Packers"));
console.log (divide("Aaron", "Rodgers"));

What is JavaScript’s behavior when it is given this program, and what does that tell us about the way JavaScript handles data of different types?

Python 3 code fragment

def mult(x, y):
    return x * y

print( mult(4,3) )
print( mult("hello", "goodbye") )

What is Python’s behavior when it is given this program, and what does that tell us about the way Python handles data of different types?

Java code fragments

// foo program
public class foo {
    static int g (boolean x, int y) {
        return (x ? 1 : y);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(g( (2 < 1), 6));

// foobar program
public class foobar {
    static int g (boolean x, int y) {
        return (x ? 1 : y);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(g( (2 < 1), "Hello"));

// foobaz program
public class foobaz {
    static g (x, y) {
        return (x ? 1 : y);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(g( (2 < 1), 6));

What is Java’s behavior when it is given these programs, and what does that tell us about the way Java handles data of different types?

More precisely, which ones of the following statements are true about the three preceding Java programs?

  • foo compiles successfully.

  • foo runs successfully.

  • foobar compiles successfully.

  • foobar runs successfully.

  • foobaz compiles successfully.

  • foobaz runs successfully.

  • foobaz should compile successfully.

  • foobaz should run successfully.

2. Type System: Definition

Each programming language has a type system, loosely speaking a set of rules that assign a type to variables, literal values, compound expressions, function parameters, function calls, etc., and constrain the way that these constructs can be used based on their types, for example, whether or not the return value of a function can be meaningfully assigned to a variable.

A type is a category that is assigned to an expression in a program according to the kinds of values that that expression computes or may stand for. And a type system is the set of types and typing rules that each programming language uses to help the programmer avoid certain kinds of errors called type errors, namely situations where an operation is attempted on a value (or values) for which this operation does not make sense.

In what sense do modern programming languages typically have an extensible type system? Hint: What types are available in Java?

It is worthwhile considering the more precise definition of a type system given by Benjamin Pierce in his 2002 book entitled Types and Programming Languages:

A type system is a tractable syntactic method for proving the absence of certain program behaviors […].

Now what does Pierce mean by:

  • method

    A type system is a tool to reason about a programming language.

  • syntactic

    A type system categorizes expressions based on syntax, that is, on the structure or arrangement of programming language constructs (variables, operators, keywords, etc.). Syntax is thus the basis on which the type system computes an approximation of the runtime behavior of the expressions and statements in a program based on the possible values that these constructs may compute.

  • proving

    A type system aims to guarantee that the errors it views as type errors will never happen; a well-typed program should never misbehave.

  • certain program behaviors

    Bad behaviors are stuck states in which an expression does not have a value and there are no rules that allow the computation of that value to continue (i.e., a runtime error).

  • tractable

    Type checkers are built into compilers, linkers, and runtime systems and must do their job automatically with no interaction with the programmer; therefore, we need type-checking algorithms that are not only tractable in theory but also efficient in practice.

3. Type System: Static Versus Dynamic

The purpose of a type system is always to prevent undesirable program states, like the stuck states mentioned above.

  • In a static type system, types are determined and checked before program execution. This is typically done by a compiler. Type errors flagged during static type checking generally prevent a program from being executed.

  • In a dynamic type system, types are determined and checked during program execution. Types are tracked by attaching to each value a tag indicating its type. Type errors in a particular portion of code are flagged only when that code actually executes.

Static typing and dynamic typing are actually two very different approaches to type systems. They are not only handled at different times but are also implemented very differently.

What are examples of statically-typed programming languages?

What are examples of dynamically-typed programming languages?

Static typing and dynamic typing are so different that experts prefer not to use the same word for both. They typically reserve the term typing only for use with a static type system.

Pierce, for example, considers that the phrase type checking only applies to statically-typed languages. In the case of so-called dynamic programming languages, talking of dynamic typing is a misnomer; a more precise description would be dynamically checked.

4. Type System: Safe Versus Unsafe

A so-called type-safe language guarantees that well-typed programs are well behaved. In other words, a type system is safe (or sound) if it rejects all incorrect programs. More specifically, a programming language (or, in a more fine-grained analysis, a programming-language construct) is type-safe if it forbids operations that are incorrect for the types on which they operate.

Since a type system is static, it must be conservative: it can only prove the absence of some bad program behaviors; it cannot prove their presence. This is because a safe and decidable type system is always incomplete, i.e., it must sometimes reject programs that behave well at runtime (why is that the case?). For example, the code fragment:

\[\begin{eqnarray*} \mbox{if <complex test> then 5 else <type error>} \end{eqnarray*}\]

may be rejected as ill-typed even if the test always evaluates to true.

Furthermore, only some kinds of undesired program behaviors can be prevented. Consider:

  • checking that the two arguments of a division operation are integers

  • checking that the second argument is not equal to 0

Which one(s) of these checks can be performed statically?

5. Type System: Strong Versus Weak

When talking about programming languages, you should avoid using the phrases strongly typed and weakly typed, since there are no universally agreed-upon definitions for these terms.

For example, is the programming language C weakly or strongly typed?

In general, these terms refer to the overall level of type safety offered by the language. Some programming languages or constructs may discourage incorrect operations or make them difficult, without completely forbidding them. So, the more type restrictions are imposed by the compiler, and the fewer the loopholes that exist to subvert the type system, the more strongly typed a programming language is.

Watch out! Many software developers confuse the characteristic of being static/dynamic and the completely distinct characteristic of being strongly/weakly typed. Again, do NOT use the latter.

6. Type System: Typed Variables or Values

In a static type system, types are generally applied to both variables and values.

In a dynamic type system, types are represented by tags attached to values. So, generally only values have types in a dynamic type system.

For example, in the following JavaScript function (already shown above as part of our motivating examples):

var g = function (x, y) {
        return (x ? 1 : y + 13);

console.log (g( (2 < 1), 6));
console.log (g( (2 < 1), "Hello"));

the function parameter y is not assigned a unique type by the type checker. In contrast, the values that are passed in as arguments in function calls do have a type: 6 is an integer while “Hello” is a string. This is this type tag that makes the JavaScript runtime system use integer addition in the first call but string concatenation in the second call.

Also, in dynamically-checked languages, containers (like lists) typically do not have types; only their values do. So there is generally no problem with a list holding values of different types. For example:

var a = [ 1, "2", 3.4, true, [] ];

is well behaved and allowed by JavaScript’s type system.

7. Type System: Explicit Versus Implicit typing

When we specify the type of an entity by explicitly stating it in the source code, we are doing explicit typing. The typing of variables and functions in C, C++, and Java is mostly explicit. An explicit specification of a type is called a type annotation.

When types are not specified explicitly (e.g., Python, JavaScript), we have implicit typing.

In dynamically-checked languages, typing is usually mostly implicit. It is therefore tempting to conflate explicit typing with static typing. However, the two are NOT the same.

A Haskell or ML compiler performs type inference as part of static type checking, thereby determining/inferring types from the way entities are used in the source code. ML types are said to be inferred. While type annotations are most often not required in ML, they are still allowed (and sometimes needed).

As another example, since 2011, C++ standards have allowed for the increasing use of type inference in that language.

Conversely, some dynamically checked and implicitly typed programming languages (e.g., Python, JavaScript) are moving in the direction of optional type annotations.

8. The Many Uses of Type Systems

Type systems are being used for many purposes, including to:

  • determine legal values and operations and thus support type safety

  • enforce language safety (how does this differ from type safety?)

  • determine which of multiple possible operations to perform:

    e.g., overloading of the + operator

  • enable abstractions and high-level modularity

  • protect the integrity of user-defined abstractions

  • document programs

  • simplify program maintenance

  • increase efficiency

  • etc.

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