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OpenDSA Stand-alone Modules

Chapter 0 modules

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Pushdown Automata

1. Pushdown Automata

Recall: A DFA =(Q,Σ,δ,q0,F).


In a DFA, the tape is read only, the head moves to the right only. DFAs are limited in power. They recognize regular languages but cannot recognize many other "simple" langages like anbn.

We are now going to give the DFA a stack. This new machine is called a Pushdown Automata (PDA). Obviously it gets this name from its new ability to pushdown and store symbols on the stack. This adds a form of additional memory, letting the machine store and retrieve data from the stack.


The old limitations still apply: The tape is read only, the head moves only to the right.

Recall that we could add the concept of nondeterminism to the DFA. This turned out not to change the set of languages that could be recognized by DFAs. What if we add nondeterminism to the PDA?

Definition: A nondeterministic PDA (NPDA) is defined by M=(Q,Σ,Γ,δ,q0,z,F) where

Q is a finite set of states
Σ is the tape (input) alphabet (a finite set)
Γ is the stack alphabet (a finite set)
q0 is the initial state, q0Q
z is the start stack symbol (marks the bottom of the stack), zΓ
FQ is the set of final states.
δ:Q×(Σ{λ})×Γ finite subsets of Q×Γ

Transition function δ is a mapping to a finite subset of Q×Γ

1.1. Example of transitions


Meaning: If in state q1 with a the current tape symbol and b the symbol on top of the stack, then pop b, and either

move to q3 and push b on stack
move to q4 and push ab on stack (a on top)
move to q6

Transitions can be represented using a transition diagram. The diagram for the above transitions is:


Each arc is labeled by a triple <x,y;z> where x is the current input symbol, y is the top of stack symbol which is popped from the stack, and z is a string that is pushed onto the stack.

Instantaneous Description: (q,w,u)

This is notation to describe the current state of the machine q, unread portion of the input string w, and the current contents of the stack u. (This is a configuration in JFLAP.)

Description of a Move:


Definition: Let M=(Q,Σ,Γ,δ,q0,z,F) be a NPDA. L(M)={wΣ|(q0,w,z)(p,λ,u),pF,uΓ}. The NPDA accepts all strings that start in q0 and end in a final state.

NOTE: Stack contents are irrelevant if it ends the string in a final state.

Example 1



Trace aaabbb

aaaaaaaaaStack:z_z_z_z_z_z_z_   _Unreadinput:aaabbbaabbbabbbbbbbbb
Proficient Saving... Error Saving
Server Error

Another Definition for Language Acceptance: NPDA M accepts L(M) by empty stack:


NOTE: 3-tuples above are configurations. Moving from one to another.

Example 2


Note: What is the smallest length string that is accepted?


Example 3



Trace abbbba

bbbbaaaaaStack:z_z_z_z_z_z_z_   _Unreadinput:abbbbabbbbabbbabbabaa

Example 4


L is not a CFL, so there is no NPDA!

Examples for you to try on your own: (solutions are at the end of this section).

  • L={anbm|m>n,m,n>0},Σ={a,b},Γ={z,a}
  • L={anbn+mcm|n,m>0},Σ={a,b,c}
  • L={anb2n|n>0},Σ={a,b}

Reminder: The acceptance definition is that we accept if we end in a final state. The contents of the stack are irrelevent.

Definition: A PDA M=(Q,Σ,Γ,δ,q0,z,F) is deterministic if for every qQ,aΣ{λ},bΓ

  1. δ(q,a,b) contains at most 1 element
  2. if δ(q,λ,b) then δ(q,c,b)= for all cΣ.

Definition: L is DCFL iff DPDA M such that L=L(M).


  1. Previous PDA for {anbn|n0} is deterministic.
  2. Previous PDA for {anbmcn+m|n,m>0} is probably deterministic
  3. Previous PDA for {wwR|wΣ+},Σ={a,b} is nondeterministic.

Example 5



Example 6



Example 7



1.2. Equivalence of Acceptance Definitions

Theorem Given NPDA M that accepts by final state, NPDA M that accepts by empty stack such that L(M)=L(M).

Proof (sketch)

Construct M=(Q,Σ,Γ,δ,qs,z,F) (NOTE: z is a new symbol)
Γ=Γ{z} (NOTE: zΓ, never popped in old machine)
qs is new start state.
F={}. Irrelevant. The only time the stack will be empty is in qf.
Here, x is any symbol in Γ. (l represents λ).
Don't really need the concept of a final state in this case. QED.

Theorem: Given NPDA M that accepts by empty stack, NPDA M that accepts by final state.


Construct M=(Q,Σ,Γ,δ,qs,z,F)
qs is new start state.
F={qf}. The only time the stack will be empty is in qf.
(qf,z)δ(q,λ,z) for all qQ.
If M accepted in some state, then that means the stack was empty. In M, at the same state, the stack will contain only z, and the new transition can be followed to qf. QED

   «  0.21. Transforming Grammars   ::   Contents   ::   0.23. PDAs and Context Free Languages  »

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