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F17 OpenDSA entire modules

Chapter 24 Interpreting the Imperative Language SLang 2

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24.3. Parameter-Passing Mechanisms

24.3.1. RP 28 Part 2

This problem will help you review the difference between call by value and call by reference. To earn credit for it, you must complete this randomized problem correctly three times in a row.

24.3.2. RP 29 Part 1

This problem will help you review the differences among call by value, call by reference, and call by copy-restore. To earn credit for it, you must complete this randomized problem correctly three times in a row.

24.3.3. RP 30 Part 1

This problem will help you review the differences among call by reference, call by copy-restore, and call by macro. To earn credit, you must complete this randomized problem correctly three times in a row.

24.3.4. RP 31 Part 1

This problem will help you review the differences among call by copy-restore, call by macro, and call by name. To earn credit for it, you must complete this randomized problem correctly three times in a row.

24.3.5. RP 31 Part 2

This problem will help you review the differences among call by value, call by reference, call by copy-restore, call by macro, and call by name. To earn credit for it, you must complete this randomized problem correctly three times in a row.

   «  24.2. Tying The Knot   ::   Contents   ::   24.4. Lazy Lists  »

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