4.2. Linked Chains (Pointers)¶
4.2.1. Objectives¶
Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:
Review the concept of reference variables
Understand the characteristics and use of a Linked Chain of Nodes
Implement a Linked Chain and associated methods
Iterate though a Linked Chain
Trace the execution of Linked Chain methods
Compare Array-based and Linked Chain implementation
Practice linked chain manipulation Acknowledgement¶
Some prose and images on this page originally came from a document written by Nick Parlante of Stanford University, and used by permission of the author: “Pointers and Memory” by Nick Parlante, Copyright 1998-2000, Stanford CS Education Library.
4.2.2. Reference Variables¶
Java uses a restricted version of the pointer concept, which is called a reference. While they mean roughly the same thing, the term “pointer” tends to be used in discussions that are not specific to any particular language or implementation. The word “pointers” connotes the common C/C++ implementation of pointers as addresses or locations in memory. A reference only “points to” an object. This means that programmers are given more limited access with a reference. While this limits what they can do, the Java philosophy is that this is more than made up for by a greater chance of the code working correctly. Java programmers may only assign to a reference and compare two references for equality. Other uses of a reference are done implicitly with no control from the programmer. These restrictions reduce the chance for bugs.
Two references which both refer to a single object are said to be “sharing”. Sometimes we say that each is an alias for the other, because we can refer to the referenced object through either name. That two or more references can cooperatively share a single memory structure is a key advantage of references. Either can modify the object’s value.
4.2.3. Interactive: Intro to Linked Chains of Nodes¶
Follow Along and Engage
IntroToNodes.pptxDownload the slides corresponding to the video. Take notes on them as you watch the video, practice drawing diagrams yourself!
4.2.4. Checkpoint 1¶
4.2.5. Programming Practice: Linked Chains 1¶
Pointer Programming Exercise Tips
The Link class does not provide getters or setters, interact with fields directly to access or modify them
The Link class provides a constructor that receives two parameters, data and next. To instantiate a new Link node with a value of “Hello” and a next field set to null:
Link myLink = new Link("Hello", null);
Double quotes indicate that the parameter is a String, single quotes indicate that the parameter is a char or Character. So,
new Link("A", null);
is not the same asnew Link(‘A’, null);
4.2.6. Interactive: Demo in Visualizer¶
LinkedChain Class Example
This code can be pasted into the visualizer from the link in the course slides:
package linkedchain;
public class LinkedChain {
private Node head; // Reference to first node
private int numberOfEntries;
public static void main(String[] args) {
LinkedChain chain = new LinkedChain();
public LinkedChain() {
head = null;
numberOfEntries = 0;
} // end default constructor
public void add(int newEntry) {
// Add to beginning of chain:
Node newNode = new Node(newEntry);
newNode.next = head; // Make new node reference rest of chain
head = newNode; // New node is at beginning of chain
} // end add
private class Node {
private int data;
private Node next; // Link to next node
private Node(int dataPortion) {
this(dataPortion, null);
} // end constructor
private Node(int dataPortion, Node nextNode) {
data = dataPortion;
next = nextNode;
} // end constructor
} // end Node
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LinkedChainCode.pdfDownload the slides corresponding to the video. Take notes on them as you watch the video, practice drawing diagrams yourself!
4.2.7. Checkpoint 2¶
4.2.8. Programming Practice: Linked Chains 2¶
Pointer Programming Exercise Tips
The Link class does not provide getters or setters, interact with fields directly to access or modify them
The Link class provides a constructor that receives two parameters, data and next. To instantiate a new Link node with a value of “Hello” and a next field set to null:
Link myLink = new Link("Hello", null);
Double quotes indicate that the parameter is a String, single quotes indicate that the parameter is a char or Character. So,
new Link("A", null);
is not the same asnew Link(‘A’, null);
4.2.9. Contains() method Animation¶
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LinkedChainContains.pdfDownload the slides corresponding to the video. Take notes on them as you watch the video, practice drawing diagrams yourself!