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Chapter 5 Pointers

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5.3. Local Memory

5.3.1. Thanks For The Memory: Allocation and Deallocation

Local variables are the programming structure everyone uses but no one thinks about. You think about them a little when first mastering the syntax. But after a few weeks, the variables are so automatic that you soon forget to think about how they work. This situation is a credit to modern programming languages—most of the time variables appear automatically when you need them, and they disappear automatically when you are finished. For basic programming, this is a fine situation. However, for advanced programming, it's going to be useful to have an idea of how variables work...

Variables represent storage space in the computer's memory. Each variable presents a convenient names like length or sum in the source code. Behind the scenes at runtime, each variable uses an area of the computer's memory to store its value. It is not the case that every variable in a program has a permanently assigned area of memory. Instead, modern languages are smart about giving memory to a variable only when necessary. The terminology is that a variable is allocated when it is given an area of memory to store its value. While the variable is allocated, it can operate as a variable in the usual way to hold a value. A variable is deallocated when the system reclaims the memory from the variable, so it no longer has an area to store its value. For a variable, the period of time from its allocation until its deallocation is called its lifetime.

The most common memory related error is using a deallocated variable. For local variables, modern languages automatically protect against this error. With pointers, as we will see however, the programmer must make sure that allocation is handled correctly.

5.3.2. Local Memory

The most common variables you use are local variables within functions such as the variables num and result in the following function. All of the local variables and parameters taken together are called its local storage or just its "locals", such as num and result in the following code...

// Local storage example
int Square(int num) {
  int result;
  result = num * num;
  return result;

The variables are called "local" to capture the idea that their lifetime is tied to the function where they are declared. Whenever the function runs, its local variables are allocated. When the function exits, its locals are deallocated. For the above example, that means that when the Square() function is called, local storage is allocated for num and result. Statements like result = num * num; in the function use the local storage. When the function finally exits, its local storage is deallocated.

Here is a more detailed version of the rules of local storage:

  1. When a function is called, memory is allocated for all of its locals. In other words, when the flow of control hits the starting { for the function, all of its locals are allocated memory. Parameters such as num and local variables such as result in the above example both count as locals. The only difference between parameters and local variables is that parameters start out with a value copied from the caller while local variables start with random initial values. This article mostly uses simple int variables for its examples, however local allocation works for any type: structs, arrays... these can all be allocated locally.
  2. The memory for the locals continues to be allocated so long as the thread of control is within the owning function. Locals continue to exist even if the function temporarily passes off the thread of control by calling another function. The locals exist undisturbed through all of this.
  3. Finally, when the function finishes and exits, its locals are deallocated. This makes sense in a way—suppose the locals were somehow to continue to exist—how could the code even refer to them? The names like num and result``only make sense within the body of ``Square() anyway. Once the flow of control leaves that body, there is no way to refer to the locals even if they were allocated. That locals are available ("scoped") only within their owning function is known as lexical scoping and pretty much all languages do it that way now.

5.3.3. Examples

Here is a simple example of the lifetime of local storage.

void Foo(int a) {
      // (1) Locals (a, b, i, scores) allocated when Foo runs
      int i;
      float scores[100];
      // This array of 100 floats is allocated locally.
      a = a + 1;
      // (2) Local storage is used by the computation
      for (i=0; i<a; i++) {
        Bar(i + a); // (3) Locals continue to exist undisturbed,
      }  // even during calls to other functions.
} // (4) The locals are all deallocated when the function exits.

Here is a larger example which shows how the simple rule "the locals are allocated when their function begins running and are deallocated when it exits" can build more complex behavior. You will need a firm grasp of how local allocation works to understand the material in later modules. The drawing shows the sequence of allocations and deallocations which result when the function X() calls the function Y() twice. The points in time T1, T2, etc. are marked in the code and the state of memory at that time is shown in the drawing.

void X() {
  int a = 1;
  int b = 2;



void Y(int p) {
  int q;
  q = p + 2;
  //T2 (first time through), T4 (second time through)

(optional extra...) The drawing shows the sequence of the locals being allocated and deallocated—in effect the drawing shows the operation over time of the :term:` runtime stack` which is the data structure which the system uses to implement local storage.

5.3.4. Local Parameters

Local variables are tightly associated with their function—they are used there and nowhere else. Only the X() code can refer to its a and b. Only the Y() code can refer to its p and q. This independence of local storage is the root cause of both its advantages and disadvantages. Disadvantages Of Locals

Locals are great for 90% of a program's memory needs:

  • Convenient. Locals satisfy a convenient need—functions often need some temporary memory which exists only during the function's computation. Local variables conveniently provide this sort of temporary, independent memory.
  • Efficient. Relative to other memory use techniques, locals are very efficient. Allocating and deallocating them is time efficient (fast) and they are space efficient in the way they use and recycle memory
  • Local Copies. Local parameters are basically local copies of the information from the caller. This is also known as pass by value. Parameters are local variables which are initialized with an assignment (=) operation from the caller. The caller is not "sharing" the parameter value with the callee in the pointer sense—the callee is getting its own copy. This has the advantage that the callee can change its local copy without affecting the caller. (Such as with the p parameter in the above example.) This independence is good since it keeps the operation of the caller and callee functions separate which follows the rules of good software engineering—keep separate components as independent as possible Disadvantages Of Locals

There are two disadvantages of Locals:

  1. Short Lifetime. Their allocation and deallocation schedule (their "lifetime") is very strict. Sometimes a program needs memory which continues to be allocated even after the function which originally allocated it has exited. Local variables will not work since they are deallocated automatically when their owning function exits. This problem will be solved in a later section with heap memory.
  2. Restricted Communication. Since locals are copies of the caller parameters, they do not provide a means of communication from the callee back to the caller. This is the downside of the "independence" advantage. Also, sometimes making copies of a value is undesirable for other reasons. We will see the solution to this problem below in the next module. Synonyms For "Local"

Local variables are also known as automatic variables since their allocation and deallocation is done automatically as part of the function call mechanism. Local variables are also sometimes known as :term`stack variables` because, at a low level, languages almost always implement local variables using a stack structure in memory. The Ampersand (&) Bug—TAB

Now that you understand the allocation schedule of locals, you can appreciate one of the more ugly bugs possible in C and C++. What is wrong with the following code where the function Victim() calls the function TAB()? To see the problem, it may be useful to make a drawing to trace the local storage of the two functions.

// TAB -- The Ampersand Bug function
// Returns a pointer to an int
int* TAB() {
int temp;
// return a pointer to the local int
void Victim() {
int* ptr;
ptr = TAB();
*ptr = 42;
// Runtime error! The pointee was local to TAB

TAB() is actually fine while it is running. The problem happens to its caller after TAB() exits. TAB() returns a pointer to an int, but where is that int``allocated? The problem is that the local ``int, temp, is allocated only while TAB() is running. When TAB() exits, all of its locals are deallocated. So the caller is left with a pointer to a deallocated variable. TAB()'s locals are deallocated when it exits, just as happened to the locals for Y() in the previous example. It is incorrect (and useless) for TAB() to return a pointer to memory which is about to be deallocated. We are essentially running into the "lifetime" constraint of local variables. We want the int to exist, but it gets deallocated automatically. Not all uses of & between functions are incorrect—only when used to pass a pointer back to the caller. The correct uses of & are discussed in section 3, and the way to pass a pointer back to the caller is shown in section 4. Local Memory Summary

Locals are very convenient for what they do—providing convenient and efficient memory for a function which exists only so long as the function is executing. Locals have two deficiencies which we will address in the following sections—how a function can communicate back to its caller (Section 3), and how a function can allocate separate memory with a less constrained lifetime (section 4).

5.3.5. How Does The Function Call Stack Work?

You do not need to know how local variables are implemented during a function call, but here is a rough outline of the steps if you are curious. The exact details of the implementation are language and compiler specific. However, the basic structure below is approximates the method used by many different systems and languages... To call a function such as foo(6, x+1):

  1. Evaluate the actual parameter expressions, such as the x+1, in the caller's context.
  2. Allocate memory for foo()'s locals by pushing a suitable "local block" of memory onto a runtime call stack dedicated to this purpose. For parameters but not local variables, store the values from step (1) into the appropriate slot in foo()'s local block.
  3. Store the caller's current address of execution (its "return address") and switch execution to foo().
  4. foo() executes with its local block conveniently available at the end of the call stack.
  5. When foo() is finished, it exits by popping its locals off the stack and "returns" to the caller using the previously stored return address. Now the caller's locals are on the end of the stack and it can resume executing.

For the extremely curious, here are other miscellaneous notes on the function call process:

  • This is why infinite recursion results in a "Stack Overflow Error"—the code keeps calling and calling resulting in steps (1) (2) (3), (1) (2) (3), but never a step (4)....eventually the call stack runs out of memory.
  • This is why local variables have random initial values—step (2) just pshes the whole local block in one operation. Each local gets its own area of memory, but the memory will contain whatever the most recent tenant left there. To clear all of the local block for each function call would be too time expensive.
  • The "local block" is also known as the function's activation record or stack frame. The entire block can be pushed onto the stack (step 2), in a single CPU operation—it is a very fast operation.
  • For a multithreaded environment, each thread gets its own call stack instead of just having single, global call stack.
  • For performance reasons, some languages pass some parameters through registers and others through the stack, so the overall process is complex. However, the apparent the lifetime of the variables will always follow the "stack" model presented here.

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