20.3. Grammars - Part 3 (F 2/5/16)¶
20.3.1. RP 3 part 1¶
Topics of the day:
- Operator precedence
- EBNF extensions and their advantages
The review problem set for today contains five review problems.
This problem illustrates how grammatical structure influences the evaluation of arithmetic expressions, and thus the meaning of programs.
Note that, to get credit for this problem, you must solve it correctly three times in a row (the question is randomized).
20.3.2. RP 3 part 2¶
This problem demonstrates how grammatical structure impacts the associativity property of arithmetic operators.
20.3.3. RP 3 part 3¶
This problem illustrates how grammatical structure impacts the associativity property and order of precedence of arithmetic operators.
20.3.4. RP 3 part 4¶
This problem asks you to provide a characterization in English of the language generated by a BNF grammar.
20.3.5. RP 3 part 5¶
This problem is about the equivalence between a given BNF grammar (the same one as in part 4 above) and a smaller EBNF grammar.