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Chapter 20 Grammars

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20.1. Grammars - Part 1 (M 2/1/16)

20.1.1. RP 1 part 1

Topics of the day:

  1. Syntax versus semantics
  2. Terminology of grammars
  3. Derivations and parse trees
  4. Lexical structure versus phrase structure

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The review problem set for today contains four review problems.

This problem is about building a parse tree given a grammar and a string.

20.1.2. RP 1 part 2

This problem is about determining whether a given string can be generated by a given grammar.

20.1.3. RP 1 part 3

This problem is about identifying properties of all of the strings in a language defined by a given grammar.

20.1.4. RP 1 part 4

This problem is about precisely characterizing the whole language generated by a given grammar.

   «  19.8. All-Pairs Shortest Paths   ::   Contents   ::   20.2. Grammars - Part 2 (W 2/3/16)  »

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