21.9. Functional Programming - Part 9 (M 2/29/16)¶
21.9.1. RP 13 part 1¶
Topics of the day:
- Continuations
- Continuation-passing style programming
The review problem set for today contains five review problems.
This first problem is about a recursive function to compute the greatest common divisor (or \(gcd\)) of two integers.
21.9.2. RP 13 part 2¶
This review problem is the first one in a sequence of three problems that require you to complete the implementation of a recursive function that uses continuation-passing style programming. This problem uses the \(gcd\) function introduced in the first problem in this set, but you do not need to remember how it was implemented.
21.9.3. RP 13 part 3¶
This review problem is the second one in a sequence of three problems that require you to complete the implementation of a recursive function that uses continuation-passing style programming. This problem uses the \(gcd\) function introduced in the first problem in this set, but you do not need to remember how it was implemented.
21.9.4. RP 13 part 4¶
This review problem is the last one in a sequence of three problems that require you to complete the implementation of a recursive function that uses continuation-passing style programming. This problem uses the \(gcd\) function introduced in the first problem in this set, but you do not need to remember how it was implemented.
21.9.5. RP 13 part 5¶
This randomized review problem will give you more practice writing recursive functions in the continuation-passing style. To get credit for it, you must solve it correctly three times in a row.