16.9. Merkle Trees¶
16.9.1. The Problem that Merkle Trees are Meant to Solve¶
Many Blockchain applications require storing some form of transaction between two parties. For example, a cyptocurrency like BitCoin uses the blockchain to store a record of all the transactions ever done involving one party sending bitcoins to the another. Over time, the blockchain will contain a huge number of transactions. Generally, Blockchain applications will not want to store one transaction per block, but rather is likely to store many transactions. For example, as of September 2021, one block the Bitcoin blockchain anywhere from 1,500 to 2,500 transactions. In June, 2021, the entire blockchain stored millions of transactions, comprising 350 Gigabytes of data.
A fundamental operation in a typical blockchain application is to verify that a specific transaction is indeed stored somewhere on the blockchain. Given the huge number of transactions that might be involved, it is not practical to seach linearly through every transaction in the chain. We need to find a faster way to search for a given transaction.
16.9.2. Merkle Trees¶
A Merkle Tree (or Hash Tree) is a tree where the leaf nodes contain the cryptographic hash for a single transaction. All internal nodes store the hashes of their left and right child nodes, and a hash of those two values. This means that the root node of the tree contains a hash that is affected by of all leaves that were continually paired and hashed.
16.9.3. Why Is It Useful?¶
Recall (see Blocks & Nodes) that many participants in a blockchain ecosystem are “Thin Nodes”. This means that they only keep a relatively small amount of information on hand about the blockchain: That is, the hash for each block and a small amount of metadata about the block. When a Thin Node wants to confirm whether a particular transaction is indeed on the blockchain, it first will get the necessary information from an entity that maintains more information. This might be a node that stores the complete blockchain, or it might be a “block explorer”, which indexes that blockchain transaction database. The information that comes back will typically be something like the block number and transaction index within the block, along with the complete contents of the block that the entity reports as containing the transaction.
However, since anyone can participate in a distributed ledger blockchain system, a given thin node might not trust the entity providing this transaction information. The thin node would like a way to verify that information that was just provided to it is in fact taken from the blockchain. Since blocks are rather large, it would be time consuming to work through the entire contents of the block to verify that everything is consistent with the hash for the block that the thin node has stored.
16.9.4. Simple Payment Verification¶
Now that we understand what a Merkle Tree is, let’s see how it helps with verifying that a transaction is really part of the blockchain as claimed by a 3rd party information provider. The primary use-case of Merkle Trees in common public Blockcahins, Bitcoin included, is to serve as an efficient means of providing customers with Simple Payment Verification (SPV). SPV is a process by which a node on the network can easily verify that a transaction took place.
A Merkle Proof is an efficient means of proving that a transaction is legitimate. As shown in the figure in 1.3, transaction 2 was verified using only 3 different values. This merkle proof consists of O(log(n)) hashes plus the final root hash. The thin node can then compute the root node by itself using the provided O(log(n)) hashes and compare its calculated root node to the root node stored in the block header. If the calculated and actual root nodes match, the transaction is verified. This is a much more efficient means of payment verification than requiring any thin node to store the entire transaction history of one or more blocks.