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Programming Languages

Chapter 2 Functional Programming

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2.2. Functional Programming - Developing basic, recursive list-processing functions

2.2.1. Recursive List Processing (1)

In the previous section, we introduced three predicates that are part of the fp module -- isEq, isZero, and isNull. We will now introduce some additional predicates and arithmetic functions that we will then use to write recursive list-processing functions, including sum, isMember, removeFirst, and subst

First, to check whether something is a list or not, you must use the isList function:

> fp.isList( [ ] )
> fp.isList( [1,2,3] )
> fp.isList( 1 )

Second, the two helper functions add and sub perform the addition and subtraction, respectively, of their two integer arguments:

> fp.add(2,3)
> fp.sub(2,3)

Third, the two predicates isLT and isGT test whether their first argument is less than or greater than their second argument, respectively:

> fp.isGT(2,3)
> fp.isLT(2,3)

We're now ready write a recursive sum function that takes in an integer list and returns the sum of all of the values in the input list.

> var fp = require('./fp')
> sum( [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
> sum( [ ] )
> sum( [ 1, -2, 3, -4] )

When we design a recursive algorithm, we must keep in mind the recursive BNF definition of integer lists:

\[\begin{split}\begin{eqnarray*} <list\_of\_ints> &::=& \epsilon \\ & | & <int> <list\_of-\_ints> \\ \end{eqnarray*}\end{split}\]

Following the two paths for a <list_of_ints> in this grammar -- one for the empty list and one for a non-empty list leads us to structure a sum function as:

var sum = function (ns) {
             if ( SOME TEST ) {
                return SOMETHING;
             } else {
                return SOMETHING ELSE;

Think about how to complete this function and then try the following review problem, which uses similar recursive list-processing logic. Note that this problem is randomized. You must solve it correctly three times in a row to earn the point associated with it.

2.2.2. Recursive List Processing (2)

Next consider a function isMember that takes in an integer and an integer list and returns true if and only if its first argument is a member of the second argument:

> var fp = require('./fp')
> isMember( 2, [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
> isMember( 4, [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
> isMember( 2, [ 1, [ 2, 3 ] ] )

Keep in mind the recursive definition of integer lists:

\[\begin{split}\begin{eqnarray*} <list\_of\_ints> &::=& \epsilon \\ & | & <int> <list\_of\_ints> \\ \end{eqnarray*}\end{split}\]

Following that recursive definition design a recursive algorithm for isMember using the template provided below:

var isMember = function (n,ns) {
                  if ( SOME TEST ) {
                     return SOMETHING;
                  } else {
                     return SOMETHING ELSE;

Once you have the logic designed for isMember, design a similar list-processing function removeFirst that takes in an integer \(n\) and an integer list \(l\) and returns a list identical to \(l\) but with the first occurrence of \(n\) removed:

> var fp = require('./fp')
> removeFirst(3,[1,2,3])
[ 1, 2 ]
> removeFirst(4,[1,2,3])
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
> removeFirst(2,[1,2,3,2])
[ 1, 3, 2 ]

If you again follow the recursive BNF description for a <list_of_ints>, you will find that the appropriate template for your removeFirst function looks like:

var removeFirst = function (n,ns) {
                     if ( SOME TEST ) {
                        return SOMETHING;
                     } else {
                        DO A BIT MORE WORK;

Once you have the correct logic for removeFirst, consider the following review problem, which asks you to slightly modify removeFirst.

2.2.3. Recursive List Processing (3)

As a final example in this section consider a function that takes in two integers \(n\) (for ’new’) and \(o\) (for ’old’) and an integer list \(l\) and returns a list identical to \(l\) except that all occurrences of \(o\) in \(l\) have been replaced by \(n\):

> var fp = require('./fp')
> subst(10,1,[1,2,3,2,1])
[ 10, 2, 3, 2, 10 ]
> subst(50,5,[1,2,3])
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
> subst(10,1,[[1,2],3])
[ [ 1, 2 ], 3 ]

Again the template for the subst function follows the pattern established by the BNF grammar for a <list_of_ints>:

var subst = function (n,ns) {
               if ( SOME TEST ) {
                  return SOMETHING;
               } else {
                  DO A BIT MORE WORK;

When you have established the correct logic for this template, consider the final review problem for this section, which asks you to slightly modify the subst function.

   «  2.1. Introduction to Functional Programming - List Construction and Deconstruction   ::   Contents   ::   2.3. Functional Programming - Recurring On Lists That Aren't Flat  »

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