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Data Structures and Problem Solving

Chapter 4 Binary Trees

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4.3. Binary Tree as a Recursive Data Structure

4.3.1. Binary Tree as a Recursive Data Structure

A recursive data structure is a data structure that is partially composed of smaller or simpler instances of the same data structure. For example, linked lists and binary trees can be viewed as recursive data structures. A list is a recursive data structure because a list can be defined as either (1) an empty list or (2) a node followed by a list. A binary tree is typically defined as (1) an empty tree or (2) a node pointing to two binary trees, one its left child and the other one its right child.

The recursive relationships used to define a structure provide a natural model for any recursive algorithm on the structure.


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   «  4.2. Binary Trees   ::   Contents   ::   4.4. The Full Binary Tree Theorem  »

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