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11.2. Alternative List ADT Designs

The list ADT specifies that a List comprises not only a collection of objects in linear order, but also “the current position”. While this is a simple way to present the main concepts embodied by a list, it complicates any algorithm that relies on having two or more distinct “current positions” in the same list, such as any algorithm that steps from both ends towards the middle.

An alternative design is to separate the “current position” as a separate object. In the following ADT, we will call this a ListIndex. This is a simple form of a concept that is sometimes called an iterator. The ListIndex interface abstracts the notion of a position in a list.

There is the issue in an implementation of how the two classes will communicate. For the array-based list, the ListIndex merely needs to store an integer for the position. For the linked list class, the ListIndex would store a pointer to a linked list node. This means that the List class needs to be able to set and get this pointer, but nobody outside should need to know about it. Some languages like Java and C++ have mechanisms that allow a specific class to have access to non-public members of another class. Oher languages like Processing have no such concept.

One general solution is to make the interface for ListIndex public, but make the implementation a private inner class of the List implementation. This approach is used in the following implmentation for the Array-based list.

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