7.More Powerful Machines?§

Turing’s Thesis claims that TM is as powerful as “any machine”
We might add features to a TM.
If the features let us do something that we could not do before, that disproves Turing’s Thesis
If we can simulate the new feture with the standard model, this adds support to (but does not prove) the Turing thesis.
As usual, we say that two machine types are equivalent if they
Accept the same languages
Each can simulate the other (one direction is often trival)

Extensions (1)

2-way infinite tape (Our model)
Just bend infinite tape in the middle to get back to one-way tape, but with two layers. Now, expand the language. The new language is ordered pairs of the old language, to encode two levels of tape.

Extensions (2)

Multiple tapes
Again, expanded alphabet collapses multipe symbols to 1.
Multiple heads on one tape
Encode the heads onto the tape, and simulate moving them around.

Extensions (3)

Two-dimensional “tape”
Convert to 1D, by diagonals.

Extensions (4)

Simulate nondeterministic behavior in sequence, doing all length -1 computations, then length -2, etc., until we reach a halt state for one of the non-deteriministic choices.
Non-determinism gives us speed, not ability.

Linear Bounded Automata

We could restrict the general model for a TM:
Instead of an infinite tape, the tape might be only as long as the input
Alternatively: \(c*n\) for constant \(c\) and input length \(n\)
(can double space by simulating two tracks by augmenting the alphabet)
Linear Bounded Automata [LBA]
Linz shows that, for example, \(L = \{a^nb^nc^n \mid n \geq 1\}\) can be accepted by an LBA.
So, LBA more powerful than pushdown automata.
But turns out to be less powerful than TM (but this is hard to prove)

A Universal Turing Machine

A Turing Machine that takes a description for a Turing Machine and an input string, and simulates the behavior of that machine on that string.
Need three things:
We need to encode the input machine as a string
We need to encode the input to the machine as a string
We need to encode the current state of operations on the input machine.
Might be easiest to think of these as being on separate tapes.

Recursive Enumerable vs. Recursive

Definition: A language is Recursively Enumerable if there is a Turing Machine that accepts it. [Turing Acceptable]
Definition: A language is Recursive if there is a Turing Machine that accepts it and that halts on every input string. [Turing Decideable]
The terminology of “enumerable” comes from the fact that it is possible to both “count” the number of strings in the language (countably infinite) and to put them in some order.
More on this later!

More-general Grammars

Unrestricted Grammars: Has productions \(u \rightarrow v\) where \(u\) is in \((V \cup T)^+\) and \(v\) is in \((V \cup T)^*\).

Context Sensitive Grammars: All productions are of the form \(u \rightarrow v\) where \(u, v \in (V \cup T)^+\) and \(|u| \leq |v|\).
Called “context sensitive” because they can always be rewritten so that all productions are in the form \(xAy \rightarrow xvy\) for \(v \in (V \cup T)^*\).
We already know that CSG is “richer” than CFG.

The Language Hierarchy

Turing Acceptable (Recur Enum) Language == Unrestricted Grammar (Turing Acceptable)
Turing Decideable (Recursive) Language == Turing Decideable
Context-sensitive Grammar == Linear Bounded Automata
Context-free Grammar == Non-deterministic Pushdown Automata
Deterministic Context-free Grammar == Deterministic Pushdown Automata
Regular Expression == Regular Grammar == DFA == NFA

These are all proper subset relationships