Define a NFA (or NDFA) as \((Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)\) where
\(Q\) is a finite set of states
\(\Sigma\) is the input alphabet (a finite set)
\(q_0\) is the initial state (\(q_0 \in Q\))
\(F \subseteq Q\) is a set of final states
\(\delta: Q \times(\Sigma \cup \{\lambda\}) \rightarrow 2^Q\)
(\(2^Q\) here means the power set of \(Q\))
<<Hmmm… How is this different from a DFA?>>
Non-Deterministic Finite Acceptor (2)
The specific difference from a DFA is that, while the result of
\(\delta\) for the DFA is some state \(q \in Q\), the
result of \(\delta\) for the NFA is any subset of \(Q\).
Transitions to a null subset is a failed path.
Non-deterministic means that it allows choices.
From a state on input \(b\), \(\delta\) might include
transitions to more than one state.
Another difference:
We allow \(\lambda\) transitions (a free
ride to another state).
NFA Example 1
In this example, \(\delta(q_0, a) =\) << ?? >>.
(So, \(\delta\) is no longer meets the mathematical definition
of a function!)
Hopefully this one is easy to understand: Two disjoint paths,
effectively giving us union of two languages:
\(L =\) << ?? >>.
Unfortunately, they are not always so simple to understand!
Accepting a String
Definition:\(q_j \in {\delta}^{*}(q_i,w)\) if/only if
there exists some walk from \(q_i\) to \(q_j\) labeled
From previous example:
\(\delta^{*}(q_0, ab) =\) << ?? >>.
\(\delta^{*}(q_0, aba) =\) << ?? >>.
For an NFA \(M\),
\(L(M)= \{w \in {\Sigma}^{*} \mid \delta^{*}(q_0,w) \cap F \neq \emptyset \}\).
<< What does this mean? >>
NFA accepts a string if it completes processing in a final state.
However for an NFA, the string is accepted if
any processing path gets us to end in a final state.
It does not matter that there are paths where \(w\) can go
What matters is that there is at least one way for \(w\) to be
Why nondeterminism?
It makes it “easier” to describe a FA.
<< What might “easier” mean? >>
From a performance point of view, to determine if a string is
accepted can take a LONG time to try out all possibilities.
But, all that we care about right now is existance, not performance.
Which is more powerful?
Can this NFA be converted to a DFA?
Key Question
Does non-determinism increase the collection of languages that can
be accepted?
That is, can any language be accepted by an NFA that has no DFA
that accepts it?
Here is a bit of intution that might give some insight:
Nondeterminism gives branches. If we are trying to create a
non-determinism simulator in a computer, we can simulate it by
alternating between all of the branches, pushing each branch
forward by a step. This will eventually terminate.
Key Theorem
Theorem: Given an NFA
\(M_N = (Q_N, \Sigma, \delta_N, q_0, F_N)\),
there exists a DFA \(M_D = (Q_D, \Sigma, \delta_D, q_0, F_D)\)
such that \(L(M_N) = L(M_D)\).
Class(DFA) == Class(NFA) Proof
We can use an algorithm to convert \(M_N\) to \(M_D\).
\(Q_D = 2^{Q_N}\) << What does this mean? How big is this set
of states? >>
[Right here, this is what I consider the key insight.
Given a state in \(M_N\) and a symbol \(\in \Sigma\),
you can get to some subset of the states in \(M_N\).
Consider THAT to be a state in \(M_D\).]
\(F_D = \{Q\in Q_D \mid \exists\ q_i \in Q\) with \(q_i \in F_N \}\)
<< What does this mean?? >>
\(\delta_D : Q_D \times \Sigma \rightarrow Q_D\)
<< What does this mean?? >>
Of course this begs the question: HOW?
Algorithm to construct \(M_D\) (1)
Start state is \(\{q_0\} \cup \mathrm{closure}(q_0)\)
What does \(\mathrm{closure}(q)\) mean?
The set of states reachable
from \(q\) with \(\lambda\) transitions.
Algorithm to construct \(M_D\) (2)
Start state is \(\{q_0\} \cup \mathrm{closure}(q_0)\)
While missing a transition in \(\delta_D\):
Choose a state \(A = \{q_i, q_j, ..., q_k\}\) with
missing edge for \(a \in \Sigma\)
Compute \(B = \delta^{*}(q_i, a) \cup
\delta^{*}(q_j, a) \cup \ldots \cup \delta^{*}(q_k, a)\)
Add state \(B\) if it doesn’t exist
Add edge from \(A\) to \(B\) with label \(a\)
Identify final states
If \(\lambda \in L(M_N)\), then make the start state final.